lauantaina, helmikuuta 17, 2007

Eurovision craziness starting again...

In last May in Greece, it was a bomb. A huge bomb. Lordi representing Finland went straight to the final of the Eurovision Song Contest and became the first contestant ever who won the semifinal as well as final. And made the all time score record as well. Gotta admit, it was a good moment. I was watching the show through Internet in my room in the dormitory of CUA in Prague. It really felt good and no matter what anyone says, I felt proud to be a Finn on that evening. :)

Tonight we selected the representative to the final in Helsinki. Wow, I never thought I'd say that out loud: Eurovision Song Contest Final in Helsinki. :) Anyway, the winner is namesake of me ;) Hanna. She was the winner of the first Idols competition a few years ago and has become one of the top artists in Finland. Her music style is rockish. I think she has a very good voice and she's beatiful as well as good performer. Nothing like Lordi, though, Lordi was one of a kind. But I think Hanna and her song "Leave me alone" has a change to do well. I'm not expecting or even hoping a win because that would lead our nationla broadcasting company to a bankrupt... ;) But a good performance and place within 10 best. Am I hoping too much? Nah, don't think so.. :) We'll see in May...

Check out the song, you'll find it in YouTube, for instance.. :)

keskiviikkona, helmikuuta 07, 2007


Complaints about warm winter area totally forgotten. Last night the temperature dropped below -30C even in the southern Finland. Brrr... Cars aren't working, trains are late, people are suffering because breathing outside is difficult and the use of electricity has peaked big time. You think we'd be used to this but no... same complaints everytime when it's really cold. They claim that these kind of winter days will become more rare in the future due to climate change. So no complaints, just enjoy the coldness! :) I'll try to bare that in mind tomorrow morning when I'm walking to the uni dressed like Michellin man...

Ps. The thesis is nearly ready. I know, it should have been weeks ago but now I really got a boost to write it. Fixing it for grading will be another thing...