tiistaina, elokuuta 08, 2006
Polluted city?
Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is the biggest city here. Although it looks like there's a lot of pollution in the air in the photo, it's not quite the truth. Right now just behind the border in Russia there are a lot of forest fires. It's been so dry here so that they light up really easily. And the wind is blowing from the east so we'll get all the smoke. I smelled the smoke this morning in Ristiina too. I can't really see it here clearly but smell it. Near the border, in Lappeenranta, Imatra and Virolahti, the smoke has been so thick that you can barely see. So no signs of climate change? Hot and dry summer.. burning forests because of that.. :S
Source: Iltasanomat

My dears :)
I don't know if I can even admit this but guess who I missed the most while I was abroad? :) It's the furry creature in these photos. Oh well, I missed the other "creature" as well and often even more. ;) Here's Sissi, my parents' dog and "my little sister", yep, we often fight and play like siblings. ;) She's so keen on football and loves to play with Jari every time he comes here. Here the first photo was taken last summer when she came to us and the second was taken last month. She has grown up so much! But still likes to sit on my laps.. ;)
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